4-Wire Transmitter

PT95: Potentiometer Transmitter

- Output linear to pot. Position

- Provides pot. Excitation

- Isolation of input output and supply power

- Wide input range

General Features and Benefits: 

Input Potentionmeter

Output 4-20 mA, 0-10 VDC, 0-5 VDC, 1-5 VDC

Isolated Input, Output and Power Supply

            The Potentiometer Transmitter PT95 provides potentiometer excitation and produces a standard process output voltage or current linearly proportional to the position of the potentiometer wiper. The typical applications are position sensor, remote setpoint or indication of valve position.

5 years

Potentiometer Input

Number of channel:

1 Channel

Input type:


Input range:

100 Ω thru 50 KΩ


< ± 0.2% of span

Analog Output

Number of channel:

1 Channel

Output type:

Current, Voltage

Output range:

Current (0 to 20, 4 to 20 mA)

Voltage (0 to 5, 1 to 5, 0 to 10 VDC)


Adjustable 50 - 100 % of full scale output


Adjustable 0 - 50 % of the full scale output

Isolation voltage:

500 Vac. between input, output and power supply

Output Load Resistance:

Current (Max. 1000 ohm)

Voltage (Min. 1000 ohm)

Power Requirements

Power Supply:

100, 110, 220 VAC

24, 110, 125 VDC (Optional)

Environmental Limits

Operating Temperature:

0 to 55 °C

Operating Humidity:

5 to 95 %RH

Storage Temperature:

0 to 70 °C

Physical Characteristics


W50 x H70 x D130 mm.


Wall or DIN rail


Plug-in 11 pins socket


Warranty Period:

5 year

Ordering Information: Specify output, power supply
Example PT95/4-20 mA/220 VAC

Package Checklist

1. PT95

Group Order
4 Wire Transmitter: 

RT95: RTD Transmitter

- Linearizing for Pt100 sensor

- Programmable range

- Isolated input to output to Power Supply

- True lead length compensation

General Features and Benefits: 

RTD Transmitter

Input RTD PT100

Output 4-20 mA, 0-10 VDC, 0-5 VDC, 1-5 VDC

Isolated Input, Output and Power Supply

            RTD Transmitter RT95 are compactly designed for converting the variations of resistance in a Pt100 temperature sensor to a linearized and isolated DC. voltage or current output. They provide constant current excitation and true lead length compensation when used with a 3-wire RTD, which can be located at a considerable distance from the transmitter.

5 years

RTD Input

Number of channel:

1 Channel

Input type:

Pt100 DIN or JIS (3 Wire Connection)

Input range:

Rangeable zero from - 100 °C to +100 °C

Rangeable span from 15 °C to 500 °C

Other types of RTD input available Cu 100, Pt 1000

Input impedance:

Lead wire resistance 5 ohm/wire max.

Analog Output

Number of channel:

1 Channel

Output type:

Current, Voltage

Output range:

Current (4 to 20 mA)

Voltage (0 to 5, 1 to 5, 0 to 10 VDC)


< ± 0.2% of span

Output Load Resistance:

Current (Max 1000 Ω load)

Voltage (Min. 1000 Ω load)

Isolation voltage:

500 VAC Between input,output and power supply (1min. test)

Power Requirements

Power Supply:

100, 110, 220 VAC

24 VDC (Optional)

Environmental Limits

Operating Temperature:

0 to 55 °C

Operating Humidity:

5 to 95 %RH

Storage Temperature:

0 to 70 °C

Physical Characteristics


W50 x H70 x D130mm.


Wall or DIN rail


Plug-in 11 pins socket


Warranty Period:

5 year

Ordering Information: Specify sensor type, input range, output, power supply
Example RT95/Pt 100/0-200 C/4-20 mA/220 VAC

Package Checklist

1. RT95

Group Order
4 Wire Transmitter: 

TT95: Thermocouple Transmitter

- Programmable range

- Linearized output standard signal

- Isolation of input , output and power supply

- Cold junction compensation

General Features and Benefits: 

Input Thermocouple J, K, S, R, T

Output 4-20 mA, 0-10 VDC, 0-5 VDC, 1-5 VDC

Isolated Input, Output and Power Supply

            The thermocouple's signal is linearized and cold-junction compensated to provide an isolated and linearized DC. voltage or current output. Typically the Thermocouple Transmitter TT95 interfaces with recording, monitering or controlling instruments.

5 years

Thermocouple Input

Number of channel:

1 Channel

Input type:


Input range:

Type J 0 to 800 °C

Type K 0 to 1200 °C

Type L 0 to 600 °C

Type R 0 to 1700 °C

Type S 0 to 1700 °C

Type T 0 to 400 °C

Cold junction compensation:

0-50 °C

Analog Output

Number of channel:

1 Channel

Output type:

Current, Voltage

Output range:

Current (4 to 20 mA)

Voltage (0 to 5, 1 to 5, 0 to 10 VDC)


< ± 0.2% of span

Output Load Resistance:

Current (max. 1000 Ω load)

Voltage (min 1000 Ω load)

Isolation voltage:

500 VAC (1 min.) between input, output, power supply

Power Requirements

Power Supply:

100,110, 220 VAC

24 VDC (Optional)

Environmental Limits

Operating Temperature:

0 to 55 °C

Operating Humidity:

5 to 95 %RH

Storage Temperature:

0 to 70 °C

Physical Characteristics


W50 x H70 x D130 mm.


Wall or DIN rail


Plug-in 11 pins socket


Warranty Period:

5 year

Ordering Information: Specify thermocouple type, input range, output, power supply
Example TT95/K/0-400 C/4-20 mA/220 VAC

Package Checklist

1. TT95

Group Order
4 Wire Transmitter: 

SC20: Universal Signal Conditioner

- Programmable input

- Isolated input, output and power supply

- Universal Conversions

- 4-20mA, 0-10VDC, 0-5VDC transmitter output

- High accuracy (16 bit)

- Low cost

- Easy to install

General Features and Benefits: 

Programmable Input mV, V, mA , Thermocouple, RTD

Output 4-20 mA, 0-10 VDC, 1-5 VDC

Isolated Input, Output and Power Supply

            Universal Signal Conditioner SC20 A signal conditioner is a device that converts one type of electronic signal into a another type of signal. Its primary use is to convert a signal that may be difficult to read by conventional instrumentation into a more easily read format.

5 years

USB Interface


USB 1.1/2.0


USB Type Mini-A (Female)


12 Mbps (Full-Speed USB)



Analog Input

Number of Channel:

1 Channel

Input Type:

Programmable Input

Input Range:

Thermocouple: R, S, K, E, J, T, B

RTD: Cu10, PT100, PT1000

Resistance: 0 to 600 Ω, 0 to 1.2 KΩ, 0 to 4 KΩ

Voltage (mVDC): 0 to 80, 0 to 150

Voltage (VDC): 0 to 1, 0 to 5, 0 to 10, 0 to 15, 0 to 30

Current: 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA, 0 to 40 mA

Loop Powered:

24 VDC (Source 2-Wire)

ADC Resolution:

16 Bits

Input Impedance:

Refer to Table 1 (Download Datasheet SC20 Specification.pdf)

Analog Output

Number of Channel:

1 Channel

Output Type:

Voltage, Current (Programmable Output)

Output Range:

Voltage: 0 to 5, 1 to 5, 0 to 10 VDC

Current: 4 to 20 mA

Output Load Resistance:

Current: Max. 1000 Ω Load

Voltage: Min. 600 Ω Load (10 VDC)

Isolation Voltage:

500 VAC, Between Input Output and Power Supply

Power Requirements

Power Supply:

12 to 24 VDC

(85 to 230 VAC Optional)

Power Consumption


155 mA @ 12 VDC

Environmental Limits

Operating Temperature:

0 to 55 °C

Operating Humidity:

5 to 95 %RH

Storage Temperature:

0 to 70 °C

Physical Characteristics


W20 x H100 x D118 mm.


DIN Rail


Warranty Period:

5 year

Ordering Information: Specify Power Supply
Example SC20/12to24VDC

Package Checklist

1. SC20

2. USB Cable

Group Order
4 Wire Transmitter: 
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